How to find the exact model of your Apple device?

To find out what model is your Apple mobile device, please follow these steps.

Please note that the actual screenshots may look slightly different from your mobile device due to the small software differences between the operating system versions and/or theme settings.


  1. Go to Settings
  2. Scroll down and select General
    Sonorias | Apple Setings

  3. Select About
    Sonorias | Apple Setings

  4. Here next to the Model Name you see the actual iPhone model, in this case “iPhone 11“. Below you will see Model Number, which defines the exact model number. In this case it is “MWM82CN/A
    Sonorias | Apple Setings



  1. Go to Settings
  2. Scroll down and select General
    Sonorias | Apple Setings

  3. On the right side select About
    Sonorias | Apple Setings

  4. Here next to the Model Name you see the actual iPad model, in this case “iPad (5th generation)“. Below you will see Model Number, which defines the exact model number of this iPad. In this case it is “MP2F2FD/A
    Sonorias | Apple Setings

Looking for Android devices? You can find more information here:

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