Sonorias Help

Do you have any issues with Sonorias mobile apps? Do you have any problems listening to the downloaded music? We are here to help!

Please feel free to check out our Sonorias knowledge base, where you will find the answers on most questions. If you will not find what you are looking or you will not find a solution for your problem, fill out this form and give us as much information you have. We will evaluate your issue and get back to you.

For more information & FAQ please visit our support portal and knowledge base.

Sonorias help support form

(if necessary, this phone number will be used for additional questions or for a better description of the actual issue)
(please indicate the name of your JIAS therapist)
(please indicate the country in which your JIAS therapist operates)

Note: Please provide us with the most accurate & up to date information and description of the problem. If you are unable to answer some questions, do not fill them out. If necessary and we are missing some answers or we need additional information, we will contact you.

  • What platform do you use Sonorias on?
  • Android
  • Apple iOS
  • Huawei
  • Amazon
  • different
(select one of the options)
  • Select the type of mobile device you are using.
  • mobile phone
  • tablet
  • different
(select one of the options)
(eg "motorola one vision" or "Apple iPhone 11" - more information on how to find the exact brand & model of the device can be found in the knowledge base)
  • Was the device purchased locally in a standard eshop / store / official distribution?
  • standard / official distribution
  • outside your country, but in your region
  • global version (e.g. in China, USA,...)
  • the device is second hand
  • different
  • I am not sure
(indicate in what way or where the device was purchased)
(eg "Android 9" or "iPhone 11, software version 14.2" - more information on how to find the current version of the operating system can be found in the knowledge base)
  • Do you have the operating system updated to the latest version?
  • Yes
  • No
  • I am not sure
(select one of the options)
  • Do you have Sonorias mobile app updated to the latest version?
  • Yes
  • No
  • I am not sure
(select one of the options)
  • How often this issue occurs?
  • Always
  • Sometimes
  • Randomly
  • Only once
(select one of the options)
  • How did you download music to your device?
  • On Wi-Fi
  • On mobile data
  • I am not sure
(select one of the options)
  • Do you have enough free space in the device?
  • Yes
  • No
  • I am not sure
(you will need about 150-600MB of free space to store downloaded music, size depends on the number of tracks)
  • Do you have any application installed on your device to optimize performance or free capacity?
  • Yes
  • No
  • I am not sure
(select one of the options)
  • Do you have antivirus installed on your device?
  • Yes
  • No
  • I am not sure
(select one of the options)
  • Do you have the native operating system installed on your device?
  • Yes
  • No
  • I am not sure
(select one of the options)
(please specify the time frame or describe the situation, e.g. "immediately after the installation" or "after OS update",...)
(write the exact brand and model of your headphones, for example "AKG K52")
(write the PIN code, that you received from your provider)
(describe with your own words)
(describe with your own words)
Select a file...
Uploadingโ€ฆ (0%)

Oops. This file type isnโ€™t allowed.

This file size is too big.

(if you have a screenshot or other documents that better illustrate this issue, please upload them)

Sonorias and Sonorias JIAS Music Player is developed and supported by:

Attesoo s.r.o.
Matejkova 45
84105 Bratislava


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